Big Three on Fast & Furious: CBS Reports, ABC Downplays, NBC Spins

"In fact, anchor Kelly O'Donnell misleadingly states Holder has handed over 'thousands of documents' without the context of how many tens of thousands he did not. Rep. Elijah Cummings is given time to claim Holder was 'prohibited by law from producing' the documents. In contrast, Rep. Trey Gowdy, whose speech today succinctly summarized the Republican case for voting Holder in contempt, was given five words--'I can give them this'--before O'Donnell began speaking over him. Since no full thought of Gowdy's was given air time, it appears NBC merely had him on to depict Republicans as angry & unhinged."

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NBC appears to be the biggest offender when it comes to biased media reporting. This is no surprise given their news reporting includes a single station dedicated exclusively to carrying the left's water, day in and day out - MSNBC. Brian Williams and Diane Sawyer are just a little less obvious in their support of all things liberal and their utter contempt for anything to the right of that.

The Fast & Furious scandal should end not only Eric Holders' reign of terror over this country as its Attorney General, but should also end the Presidency of Barack Obama. Anything short of that is just a reminder of how tilted the playing field is and how corrupt our system has become. With much thanks going to the likes of Brian Williams, Diane Sawyer, NBC, MSNBC and the countless other so-called media outlets, reporters and journalists around the country that are so clearly and obviously biased.
