CBS Chief Moonves Attends Obama Fundraiser, Outs Journalism as 'Partisan'

"Partisanship has always been a part of journalism, especially at CBS News. It's just that the network always has and always will hide its partisanship behind a phony shield of objectivity and nonsense loopholes such as, I'm at this bigtime fundraiser but have never given money to any candidate."

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My observation is that the media has become more open about its partisanship since the 2008 election. While there is still a great deal of deception, more and more so-called journalists are feeling empowered to come out of the closet with regard to their partisan liberal positions.

The calculation is that either enough Americans are too disengaged to understand the impact of a phony media that spews endless lies, distortions and propaganda, or they believe enough Americans are on their side and therefore will not mind the biased reporting.
